Just can't help thinking that everybody should take a deep breath and stop fussing so much about Kate Middleton's flippy silk dress. Thursday in Calgary “Kate Watchers” were entertained by viewing her royal left buttock when the wind lifted the back of her dress. Despite all the fuming about not embarrassing the Duchess, I think the picture was not offensive but quite charming. Keep in mind that Kate is a seasoned public figure. She's no school girl. It's said that got her friendship with William going by showing up at party in a see-through dress. None of this makes her anything than perfectly respectable. But she's human and life has its surprises. Of course, 80 years ago, in a much more rigid society, couturiers knew dressmaking tricks to avoid these things. They would sew tiny lead weights in the hems of skirts and corners of stoles to hold light weight chiffons and silks down and make hems and corners look clean and balanced. Skirt linings and half slips achieved the same purpose and later on with the advent of panty hose women wore underpants over them. So look, you be sure this isn't likely to happen again. Kate is a smart woman. But it did happen. Why does it seem that Kate's "defenders" are more upset about it than she is?