Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In an accident, get the licence number!

Recently I experienced an amazing coincidence. I witnessed a car run a red light at Manor Rd and Mount Pleasant smashing broadside into a car which was proceeding through on the green. The coincidence is that three years ago exactly the same thing happened to me at this same intersection. Naturally, I remember my own accident every time I go through there. It was stunning to watch another driver crazily race through the red light and hit a car which was crossing with the green. But the coincidence doesn't end there. In both cases, the other car was northbound on Mount Pleasant by a young man who promptly fled the scene. In the most recent incident, the driver in front of me was a fireman who, understandably, wanted to call his wife and tell her he was delayed and that he was okay. Like me (both times) he completely forgot to get the license plate number of the car that had hit him. Further evidence of how this type of thing shakes you up. Many people saw both accidents, they acted kindly and were really decent. But they too all forget to take the license number . So there's a lesson here. Sadly, it may be one that is very hard to learn in a situation where one is shaken and disoriented by the accident. But in the name of simple safety it 's one we should all try to learn -- Trish.